Stop snoozing on your health!
Just 5 more minutes! It’s just a lay in on a Sunday morning, what harm can it do?!
Are you feeling moody? Do you lack focus? Wish you had more energy to do more than collapse on the sofa after a day at work?
Then that snooze or lay in really is NOT helping your wellbeing!
As a former snoozeaholic it pains me to tell you that this sleep habit is one that needs to be be ding dong ditched!
I’m not saying to not enjoy lazy time in bed for meditating, reading or snuggling up with your loved ones. I’m not saying to never have a nap when you feel you need that extra boost (20 minutes is great now & then). But that habit of snoozing away your morning is actually depleting you.
Healthy sleep habits will seriously improve your energy, mood & focus.
It’s something I overlooked for years, because I didn’t believe something so simple could have such a powerful impact on my health and wellbeing.
If you are always tired or wake up feeling just as drained as when you went to bed, you need to do this 1 thing.
✨Create healthy sleep hygiene✨
You do this by:
✨Having a consistent bedtime/wake up time (yup it’s not just for kids!)
Going to bed at the same time, or there abouts, every night gets your body into a rhythm which makes it easier for you to fall asleep.
Yes it can seem boring, but usually the habits that help you feel great often do. So don’t use this as an excuse to not give it a try.
Pick a time that works for you right now and start going to bed at that time every night.
The same goes for waking up, choose a time that’s 6-8 hours after your bed time. Set your alarm and get up when it goes off - no more snoozing!
✨Having a morning routine - it can be super short and simple to kick start your day
It can be as simple as getting your feet on the floor, getting sunlight/daylight on your face and then hydrating with a glass of water before getting on with your day.
Don’t believe you have time for a morning routine?
Ditch the snooze and you’ll gain back a minimum of 9 minutes, the time of an average snooze setting, and give that time to your morning routine instead.
This is how I started and I feel so different from my days as a snoozer!
I go into this more in my FREE e-book ‘How to create a mindful morning routine’ which you can download HERE.
✨An evening routine to help you wind down for the evening.
Just as important as your morning routine, an evening routine signals its time to slow down and get ready for bed.
This can start as simple as brushing your teeth or getting things ready for the next day, such as packing your bag/lunch.
A good rule to aim for with an evening routine is the 3,2,1 method:
3 hours before bed - don’t eat
2 hours before bed - don’t work
1 hour before bed - don’t use screens
You don’t have to dive into this straight away! Instead gauge what your current routine is and work from there. See what boundaries you can set in place to help with this.
For example, when I ran my yoga studio I was teaching from 6pm to 9.15pm which meant I got home around 9.30pm. I never ate dinner before leaving to teach so was eating dinner around 10pm and then going to bed around 11pm/midnight.
This was slowly burning me out and as someone that runs her open business, I could choose to change my hours. However I pushed on until I was made to change how I worked!
Since changing my routine and learning the 3,2,1 method I now understand why this was hindering my sleep health and it’s knock on effects.
How can you take responsibility for your health?
Start with your improving your sleep habits and you’ll be surprised by how much it impacts your wellbeing.
Keep it super simple and pick 1 area to focus on before moving onto the next.
Need extra support?
Click HERE to set up a free discovery call to see how I can best support you.
photo shot at Aro Ha