Can you really have a work life balance?

Work life balance, is it a myth? Does anyone actually get to enjoy a balanced life?

The truth is yes, but not in the way you might think about it.

Let’s break down a day - you have 24 hours so you might think logically and split your day by 8 hours sleeping, 8 hours working and that leaves 8 fabulous hours for life.

NOPE! It sadly doesn’t work out like that, as I’m sure you’re aware.

You might not sleep that much and perhaps you commute to work so there’s time to factor in there. Do you add on time to do the food shopping or standing around in the rain watching your kid play sports!

If you’re feeling frazzled, burnt out and depleted you really just want to know…

Where exactly do you fit in the time for you?

Well life isn’t about balance, it’s about honouring what is a priority and focusing on that.

What are you giving time to that’s not really a priority? How could you reprioritise your life so you can do more of what you want?

There’s 1 method I share with all my coaching clients and that’s the 3D method.

Write out EVERYTHING you have to do today or this week. Highlight 3 that are the priority that HAVE to get done.

Go through your list again and mark tasks that can be delegated, remember it doesn’t have to be done to your standard if its giving you time and energy back.

Next mark what can be delayed. These are things that would be nice if they get done, but realistically aren’t important or urgent.

Lastly see what’s left and whether it can be ditched. It’s on your list but doesn’t really matter it it gets done or not. There’s usually 1 or 2 if these on the list and its empowering to get rid.

Now for the fun part - you’ve gained some time back. These are usually little pockets of time where you can pop in time for self care.

They don’t have to be huge amounts of time, it might be 5 or 10 minutes here or there, sprinkled in throughout your day. These little pauses or pitstops can help you feel more yourself again - don’t be tempted to fill them in with other things that ‘should’ be done.

Something is always better than nothing, so a 60 second pause to move your body, focus on your breath and adjust your focus for the next task of the day will make a massive impact on your energy, focus and productivity.

If these concepts and practices are new to you, give them a try - you’ll never know what could help you create a happier and healthier work life balance.

Need more support or clarity around this?

Let’s hop on a strategy call and go through it. They are only 15 minutes, completely free and give you 3 options to use to move forward. Book yours in HERE


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