1 mistake people make when trying to create a happier work life balance.
Creating change is hard, but so is staying stuck and feeling unhappy.
Believing that you can’t have it all or that life is the way it is will just keep you stuck and unhappy but the BIGGEST mistake I see women make all the time is…
Not trying because they believe it's hard!
The story you tell yourself will either empower you or hinder your process. If you keep telling yourself not to bother even trying because it's too hard, then this will be a cycle you’ll repeat over and over again.
I even noticed this come up for myself recently when I had to change over to coffee beans instead of ground coffee - yup the simple coffee bean reminded me of a story I was telling myself.
If I believe it’ll be too hard to do, then I won’t even try, even if it's to prove myself right!
Have you ever struggled with this belief?
I can help you work this during my 90 day signature coaching program The Vibrant Wellbeing Method.
Learn how I can support you, book a FREE discovery call HERE