Reviewing the year, wrapping up 2023!

Its the end of 2023, how has the year been for you? What goals did you set for yourself at the start of the year? How much have you changed in the past year?

I love reviewing the year because it’s a fantastic way to notice what was a priority, what didn’t work and where you can benefit from additional support to create success.

The year might not have gone how you hoped, but by reviewing you can ensure the blocks, tips and hiccups don’t impact you in the same way.

Not achieving every single goal isn’t failure, its learning. Learning what worked, what didn’t and what needs changing.

So grab your journal, review the past 12 months using the following prompts:

  • How do you feel the year went overall?

  • What advice would you give yourself going into the new year?

  • What are your 3 biggest takeaways from the year?

  • How can you incorporate this lessons into the year ahead?

  • Are you happy with how you spent your time this year?

  • If not, how can you change that for the year ahead?

  • How are you different today compared to the end of last year?

  • What or who are you most grateful for?

    If you want more support with this I can help you work through them during my 90 day signature coaching program The Vibrant Wellbeing Method.

    Learn how I can support you, book a FREE discovery call HERE


Setting goals and actually achieve them!


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