Why I love my morning routine, A Wellbeing Coaches guide
Your thoughts create your reality!
I never thought of myself as a morning person so guess what...I never was one!
I scoffed at anyone talking about 5am wake ups.
I didn't see the point in trying something that didn't seem to come naturally to me.
Yet I had crappy nights sleep, FOMO for missing out on so much of the day and had no energy!
So with the encouragement of my coach I gave it a go.
Here I am 3 years into having and LOVING my morning routine.
I'm not raving about morning routines to make EVERYONE have one.
I rave about it because I COULD change AND feel great too.
Even though for literally years I had the limiting beliefs and old stories that I wasn’t a morning person, so that meant I’d never be one!
It’s not about the morning routine, it’s about the power of a self care routine and the power to change your thoughts.
What beliefs are you telling yourself that aren't helpful?
What stories are you holding onto that no longer serve you?
What routines are no longer supporting the lifestyle you desire?
Unsure how to change?
Would you like extra support?
I can help you during my 90 day signature coaching program The Vibrant Wellbeing Method.
Learn how I can support you, book a FREE discovery call HERE